Comparing Your Quarantine to Others?

April 21, 2020
Comparing Your Quarantine to Others?

Hi! I'm Stella

As a speaker and executive coach, Stella Grizont works with over achievers who are seeking deeper career fulfillment and with organizations who are dedicated to elevating the well-being of their employees.
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Stella green jacket

How was your weekend? Honestly, I was a bit grumpy and tired.

And when I'm grumpy or feeling down, I leave myself vulnerable to comparison.

How about you?

You know the drill... you're feeling a little depressed, you go to Instagram, you get more depressed because everyone's life seems better than yours:

  • They have more money so they don't have to worry
  • Their house is clean and their life is so carefree
  • They have a better body and can eat as much bread as they want
  • They have two kids, one kid, or no kids - so they've got it easier
  • They live in a less affected area
  • Everyone in their family is healthy

And on and on. Our mind doesn't work in our favor if left unchecked or unmanaged.

So how do you manage your mind and prevent yourself from falling into the comparison trap?

The best way to do that is to compare yourself against yourself, against your own dreams and desires. Sounds so simple, right? But what if you don't know what brings you most alive?

To help you, I made this video to walk you through how to stop comparing yourself to others and how to get clear on what you really want.

Watch it and let me know what you think. Reply with a comment or leave one wherever you watch it.

What are your COVID-work/life related challenges? Let me know and hopefully I can create a video to help!

This video is part of a new series I've created called, Remote and Resilient. Each Monday I'll be sending you a video or tip to not only bolster your capacity to bounce back, but to help you grow through this time.

Want to share this series with a colleague, friend, or family member? You can have them subscribe at

Be well,

P.S. I mention my Vision Generator tool in the video. You can access that here.

What is Stella up to?


In addition to providing resilience workshops to universities, corporations, and nonprofits, I've co-founded The Hero Hotline with my colleague, Meghan Kuhn.

There are so many times in recent history, I ask myself, what can I do? And other than a donation here and there, I've felt pretty powerless to affect big change.

Now with COVID-19 devastating the world and demanding so much of our medical professionals, my friend Meghan and I felt like there was a way we could put our strengths to work and be of service in a tangible way.

The Hero Hotline is a volunteer collective of seasoned coaches providing FREE resilience support to Frontline Healthcare Workers. In the past three weeks we've received over 700 coaching session donations, partnered with a large hospital, and developed a seamless process to make it easy for frontline healthcare workers to get their needs met fast.

This project, while keeping me up until 1am most nights, brings me deep, deep meaning. The coaches we're partnering with are top notch and the opportunity to help in any way feels so right.

Stella Grizont founded Woopaah because life is too precious to be bored or miserable behind the desk.

As a speaker and executive coach, Stella Grizont works with overachievers who are seeking deeper career fulfillment and with organizations who are dedicated to elevating the well-being of their employees.

In the last 15 years, Stella has coached over 1,600 individuals in over 27 countries. Some of Stella's corporate clients include Google, Johnson & Johnson, VMWare, and Genentech.

Her unique approach to being happier and more engaged on the job has been featured on MSNBC, The Today Show, NPR, Entrepreneur, and Vanity Fair. Stella was one of the first 150 people in the world to earn a master in Applied Positive Psychology (aka the science of happiness) from the University of Pennsylvania.

She lives in New Jersey with her husband and daughter, who continue to teach her what life is all about.

Want to work with Stella? Let's chat.

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