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"A leading happiness expert"
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The Power to Work Happier
In this episode, Stella discusses her book, The Work Happiness Method, and how her approach can help you help yourself, leading to more enjoyment in work and in life.
Bossed Up Podcast

Breaking the Burnout Cycle - How to Find True Happiness at Work with Stella Grizont
Ready for a mindset shift? In this episode of the Feel Good Nakd Podcast for Women, Stella and host Chardét Ryel unpack the power we have to shape our work and life— even when things aren't going perfectly.
The Feel Good Nakd Podcast for Women

Trauma and Your Leadership Edge with Stella Grizont and Lisa Zigarmi
Lisa Zigarmi, an organizational psychologist and leadership coach, alongside Stella Grizont, an executive coach and author, discuss how personal histories and traumatic experiences can serve as profound tools for developing authentic and resilient leadership. They share insights on how these deep-seated experiences can enhance empathy, drive innovation, and create inclusive workplace cultures.
What's Possible Podcast

165: The Science of Happiness. With Stella Grizont
What’s your secret formula to happiness? Stella and host Jeanne-Marie Paynel, M. Ed. discuss how to nurture those happy vibes at home and work for both ourselves and our children.
The Art of Parenting

How you can capture the joy of watching the Olympics in your daily life: ‘There is celebration everywhere’
There’s a lot to cheer for during the Olympics, but in our daily lives, we’re more hesitant to acknowledge all the positives things happening around us, says work happiness coach Stella Grizont.
CNBC Make It

Happiness Expert Stella Grizont on Betting on Herself & Running Her Business
From what work we should do and how we parent to how to practice self-care, we all make decisions that we think will make us happy. We've all regretted decisions and felt like we're stuck in a loop or afraid to take a chance. Mom of two, author, executive coach, and positive psychology expert Stella Grizont is on a mission to help you work happier and live better.

974: The Eight Inner Skills to Career Happiness with Stella Grizont
Stella Grizont shares the simple things everyone can do to feel happier and more fulfilled every day. She talks about the master key for overcoming toxic situations, the key response that builds quality relationships, and how to set healthy boundaries without feeling guilty.
How to Be Awesome at Your Job Podcast

Tips To Help New Grads Find The Right Fit At Work
Whether you’re graduating and entering the work force for the first time, making a career change, or starting a new position, Stella shares how to set yourself up for success and transition with resilience.
Great Day Louisiana - WWLTV

Career Advice for New Grads
When graduation season comes around, lots of new graduates will be on the job hunt. Your California Life talks with Stella Grizont, an author, speaker and executive coach on tips for kickstarting a career.
Your California Life - ABC10

Better Things To Do While Watching TV Than Scrolling Your Phone
Scrolling your phone + watching TV = no good. “In an ideal world, we slow down enough to do one thing at a time, so we can actually enjoy our show … and our life in general,” says Stella Grizont, positive psychology expert and author of The Work Happiness Method. “We weaken our ability to focus, remember, and be present when we ‘multitask.’”

Feeling more fulfilled using The Work Happiness Method
Stella Grizont is an author, executive coach & positive psychology expert who founded The Work Happiness Method, a coaching program designed for people to acquire a clear vision of the job they want and how to positively shift their mindset for career fulfillment & wellbeing. Stella provides tips for Good Things Utah viewers, including the Energy Audit, the Virtuous Trifecta, The Boundary Builders, and Conversation vs. Confrontation.
Good Things Utah

How to Find Your Flow State
Want to get in the zone? Find your flow. But what does that look like, exactly? And how can we find our flow? Stella Grizont, positive psychology expert and author of The Work Happiness Method explains the meaning of "flow state," and provides expert tips on finding your flow.

The key to being happy at work
Stella Grizont, an executive coach and positive psychology expert joined ARC Seattle to talk about her new book “The Work Happiness Method: Master the 8 Skills to Career Fulfillment,” and discussed how to set healthy boundaries at work.
KOMO News - ARC Seattle

There are two ways you can broach a difficult topic: as a conversation or as a confrontation
Are you struggling with passive aggressive exchanges at work? Are you questioning what to say or how to dive into a touchy subject? Do you keep asking for something and feel like you're not being heard? Stella Grizont, an Author, Executive Coach & Positive Psychology Expert who founded The Work Happiness Method, a coaching program, says most people fail before they even begin to talk, and that's because most people start with the wrong approach.
The PLACE - Fox 13 Salt Lake CIty

be Well: The best way to turn a confrontation into a conversation
Having an uncomfortable conversation at work can be stressful and awkward. But knowing the difference between having a conversation versus a confrontation can help with those unexpected exchanges. Psychology expert and "The Work Happiness Method" author Stella Grizont has some tips.
News 12 Brooklyn

be Well: How to cope with uncertainty
Whether you're changing your career or recently lost your job, dealing with uncertainty can leave you feeling anxious and stressed. There are things you can do to help handle uncertainty more effectively. Psychology expert and "The Work Happiness Method" author Stella Grizont has some helpful information.
News 12 Long Island

206 / A Better Way to Define Success with Stella Grizont
Is success about how much you make? Is it about being influential? Is it about having it all? How do we, how do YOU, define success? Here to help us answer that question is Stella Grizont, the Author of The Work Happiness Method, an Executive Coach, one of the first 150 people in the world to earn a Master’s in Applied Positive Psychology (aka the science of happiness) from the University of Pennsylvania, and a leading happiness expert according to Time Magazine. Leveraging research from positive psychology, neuroscience, and leadership, Stella helps people identify their vision of success and make strides towards achieving it -- in their career and in life.
This Woman's Work with Nicole Kalil

Your People-Pleasing Could Actually Be a Symptom of Trauma
Do you struggle with prioritizing your needs? Do you find yourself jumping through hoops to avoid disappointing others? Is it a challenge to trust yourself and know what you really want in the moment? If any (or all) of the above resonates, you may already identify as a people pleaser. What’s less discussed about such behaviors is that they could be symptomatic of fawning, a traumatic stress response.

How to Cope with Uncertainty
Stella Grizont, an author, executive coach and positive psychology expert, spoke with Kari about how you can deal with uncertainty. It’s all about adjusting your mindset to experience more curiosity and playfulness while in the unknown.
Fresh Living on KUTV - Salt Lake City

How to get better at setting boundaries
In the article, Stella discussed breaking people-pleasing habits and setting boundaries in your work life. Stella stated, “I define a boundary as an agreement that you have with yourself, so that you can be more of who you are and deal with others with more ease. It’s an agreement because there’s conflicting parts of yourself that have to come together towards a resolution.”
Fast Company

#224 Work Happier feat. Stella Grizont
In this episode, Stella and Danielle Craig talk about Stella's book - and a few of the eight essential skills you can develop to feel happier and more fulfilled in your career. Some topics include: how to get clear on your values, how a "complaint vacation" can change how you feel about going to work, what learned optimism is and how to practice it, and setting boundaries.
Happiness in Progress Podcast

Work Happiness Method
Stella Grizont joined the PIX11 News at 4 to share her tips on how to find true happiness in your career. Stella stated, “If you’re willing to quit, you have the option to be brave. First you want to look within and make sure you’re practicing these inner skills, because no matter where you go, there you are.”

Transforming Your 9-5: The Science of Happiness at Work with Stella Grizont
Pia Baroncini sits down with Stella to discuss happiness practices, the importance of your vision (which you can do via the vision generator on her website) and her new book, The Work Happiness Method, which is literally a step by step guide to take control of your career and feel more happy and satisfied with YOURSELF each day.
Everything is the Best Podcast

Stella Grizont’s Work Happiness Method: 8 Skills for Career Fulfillment
In this article, Stella discusses her book, The Work Happiness Method, as well as setting boundaries, invoking playfulness into your work life, and more. Stella states, “If you want to see new possibilities for yourself, it’s most likely going to happen when you’re feeling safe and you’re in a positive state of mind.” Stella describes the mindset shift of embracing the detours and seeing setbacks as “setups," which encapsulates key aspects of The Work Happiness Method.
SUCCESS Digital Magazine

The Work Happiness Method: Align with Your Authentic Vision & Experience Career Fulfillment with Stella Grizont
“Because life is too precious to waste feeling bored, unmotivated, and bitter behind the desk” - a peek into the Work Happiness Method by author, executive coach, and positive psychology expert, Stella Grizont. The Work Happiness Method is a coaching program designed to help individuals achieve clarity in their career goals and shift their mindset for lasting fulfillment. In this episode, Stella helps listeners understand how to gain clarity and align with their authentic vision, set boundaries in the process, and do the inner work.
Your Own Magic Podcast

The Work Happiness Method (with Stella Grizont)
Are you struggling to find purpose, passion, and joy at work? Christine talks to Stella Grizont about inner skills, finding agency, navigating uncertainty, toxic people, and more.
Edit Your Life Podcast

Developing Inner Skills for Happiness, Resilience, and Possibility in Life and Work
Finding happiness and fulfillment in our work and lives can often feel like an elusive goal. But what if it’s not just a matter of luck or circumstance? What if there were tangible skills and strategies you could learn to take control of your experience at work and cultivate a sense of purpose and joy? In this episode of What’s Possible, Stella Grizont, an executive coach, speaker, and author of The Work Happiness Method shared her personal journey of navigating dissatisfaction and boredom in various jobs, leading her to develop inner skills for resilience, purpose, boundaries, and play. Her insights shed light on the transformative power of embracing uncertainty through playfulness to navigate change and find guidance even in life’s challenges.
What's Possible Podcast

Work Happier & Live Better with Stella Grizont
Kayla is joined by author, speaker, and executive coach, Stella Grizont, to help readjust our mindset when it comes to fulfillment in the workplace. Most - too many probably - would agree that they’re either just going through the motions in the office or find themselves disengaging during work because we no longer feel a strong sense of purpose or even enjoyment in these environments. And instead we may feel cornered in our careers just to get to the next day. Well, Stella works with her clients to figure out how to reconfigure and build a skillset dedicated to improve our happiness, satisfaction, and engagement.
Directionally Challenged Podcast
Happiness Hacks
Is there truly a road to happiness? And if so, how can we get there? You might be surprised! This episode contains many practical tips—“happiness hacks”—that can help you increase the happiness level in your life. Guest: Stella Grizont, positive psychology and happiness expert.
Straight Talk For Real Life: A Hewlett Packard Enterprise Podcast

The Daily Habits of Happiness Experts
If anyone knows the secret to happiness, it’s surely the people who have dedicated their careers to studying it. The first thing they’ll tell you? Being happy all the time isn’t a feasible—or even desirable—goal.

The Happiness Expert: Stella Grizont, founder of WOOPAAH
Stella Grizont is a happiness expert, executive coach, and speaker. Stella is the founder of WOOPAAH - a corporate coaching service that has helped over 1,300 individuals in 19 countries on how to find deeper career fulfillment. Stella sits down with Chris to discuss how employees and leaders can shift their mindsets in order to find greater joy and satisfaction in their professional lives.
Snyder Showdown
Tangible Ideas to Work Happier, Live Better
Stella Grizont helps individuals and organizations find deeper fulfillment in their work. Her Work Happiness Method has inspired many to love their jobs again. WELCOA’s Director of Strategic Initiatives, Sara Rauch, sits down with Stella to discuss piloting planes, how to survive a saber-toothed animal, and how to transform your happiness at work.

3 Ways Positive Psychology Boosts Employee Empowerment and Mindset Change
Discover how positive psychology can revolutionize workplace dynamics by empowering employees and fostering a transformative mindset change.
How to Fall in Love With Your Work
Stella Grizont is a three-peat on the show who makes us all happier each time she is on. She is a speaker, executive coach, founder of WOOPAAH, and creator of The Work Happiness Method. She works with overachievers who are seeking deeper career fulfillment and with organizations who are dedicated to engaging their employees.

Three Unconscious Ways You're Destroying Your Own Confidence
Uncover the three subconscious habits that might be undermining your self-confidence and learn how to turn them around.

10 Effective Ways To Reduce Stress In The Modern Business World
Stress is overtaking all of us. We are consumed with it on a daily basis, both at work and at home.

Building Career Success: 11 Things To Keep In Mind
Business decision makers need a person they can bounce ideas off of or get good advice — it's far too easy to get trapped in a mental loop or not see something that may be obvious to someone with more experience or a different perspective.

Feeling Blah About Law? Take 8 Steps To Rekindle Your Passion
Best tips to rekindle your love of practicing law.
Thomson Reuters for Above the Law
The Science of Happiness
Stella Grizont is the Founder and CEO of WOOPAAH, dedicated to helping people and their companies flourish. WOOPAAH is loved by Google, Johnson & Johnson, Columbia University and many more awesome organizations for their programs in work place culture design, engagement and well-being. Her online course, The Science of Happiness, Hacks & Skills To Flourish, is a best seller on the leading online learning platform, Enjoy the show!
Hacking Happiness
Woopaah! It turns out that happiness really can make or break your performance. On this episode of Bulletproof Radio one of the world's best and first positive psychologists, Stella Grizont, talks about the science of happiness. And don't worry! It's not all puppies and unicorns -- although who doesn't like unicorns? Hear the 'set point' theory of happiness, the negativity bias, and even how to hack your way out of a shitty day. Dave even opens up about his most boring job! Oh and didn't you know? It looks like you can die of a broken heat AND of boredom. Listen up!

Scream it out in the I Scream Truck
Maybe it's a bad break up, the financial crisis or a tough day at work, if there's something making you upset, maybe a good loud scream will help get it out of your system.
ABC 7 News

How Throwing Paint Around Can Translate Into Better Teamwork
A successful startup requires a talented workforce. But conflicting personalities can sometimes create problems instead of solving them. What can you do to get your employees on the same page? We meet the team at who turned to Woopaah, a company that develops creative team building experiences to help everyone see eye to eye.
American Express
Stella would love to talk to you.
If you would like to request an interview with Stella for a television appearance, podcast, article, video, or for your event, please get in touch.
For Press Inquiries
press@stellagrizont.comFor Podcast Inquiries
press@stellagrizont.comFor Speaking Inquiries
Official Bio + Approved Photos
Time Magazine named Stella Grizont a leading happiness expert. As a speaker and executive coach, Stella works with leaders who are seeking deeper career fulfillment and with organizations that are dedicated to elevating the well-being and engagement of their employees. Her debut book based on her signature coaching program, The Work Happiness Method: Master the 8 Skills to Career Fulfillment (Hachette Go), was an instant USA Today Best seller.
In the last 18 years, Stella has coached over 1,800 leaders and delivered talks to over 115,000 people across 45 countries. Some of Stella's corporate clients include Google, Johnson & Johnson, Amazon, and Citibank. Her unique approach to being happier and more engaged on the job has been featured on MSNBC, The Today Show, and Vanity Fair.
Stella was one of the first 150 people in the world to earn a master's in Applied Positive Psychology (aka the science of happiness) from the University of Pennsylvania. She holds a Bachelor’s in Economics from Barnard College, Columbia University.
She lives in New Jersey with her husband, daughter, and son, who continue to teach her what life is all about.
interview stellaapproved photosIn the last 18 years, Stella has coached over 1,800 leaders and delivered talks to over 115,000 people across 45 countries. Some of Stella's corporate clients include Google, Johnson & Johnson, Amazon, and Citibank. Her unique approach to being happier and more engaged on the job has been featured on MSNBC, The Today Show, and Vanity Fair.
Stella was one of the first 150 people in the world to earn a master's in Applied Positive Psychology (aka the science of happiness) from the University of Pennsylvania. She holds a Bachelor’s in Economics from Barnard College, Columbia University.
She lives in New Jersey with her husband, daughter, and son, who continue to teach her what life is all about.