Feeling impatient and wondering if it will all work out?
Hi! I'm Stella
It’s so cold and icy in New Jersey.
I find this weather depressing. My body craves going outside but when I look through the window I just hunker down. This holding pattern mirrors how I felt about the decade it took me to write my book, The Work Happiness Method: Master 8 Skills to Career Fulfillment.
I wanted so much for it to be out in the world, but I couldn’t move the ball forward despite my desire…whether it was because I had to nurse a baby, move cross country, mourn the death of my grandparents, or grow my business. I even did all the things: goal set, writing retreats, blocking my calendar, but life continued to say …not yet.
If you’re feeling impatient, restless, and a little untrusting, I get it. If you're living in the question: is it really going to happen…whether it’s a promotion, a project, world peace, finding your love, or growing your family - I've lived there, too. I hope you find comfort in this excerpt from my book about what it means to refocus.

[Excerpt from The Work Happiness Method, Chapter 8]
“To refocus means to return to yourself and what matters when you inevitably hit a setback, get derailed, feel stuck, or are lost. The great aikido master Morihei Ueshiba said, “It’s not that I don’t get off center. I correct so fast that no one can see.”
The work in the Work Happiness Method is not to stay glued to your path no matter what. The work is to listen to yourself and what’s needed in the moment. Refocusing is guiding yourself back to center as gracefully as possible when you get triggered into a state that’s defensive, offensive, hopeless, or unloving.
In fact, the process of refocusing acknowledges that there is value in getting off track… Refocusing is trusting that growth is inevitable...
Patience and trust are two sides of the same coin.
If it hasn’t worked out for you, maybe it just hasn’t worked out yet. The time between now and then is not wasted, it’s nutritive.
We don’t judge a tree for being bare during winter. Even though it looks like nothing is stirring, miraculous preparation is happening below ground, readying it for an awesome burst of blossoms at just the right time.
Flourishing is always in the works for us, and we don’t have to always push so hard for it. Even when things don’t flower as planned or they die off, those parts become fertilizer for the earth, transferring energy back to beget further growth.
What if the very experience you feel is holding you back is feeding your future?”
Here's to trusting whatever season we’re in.
P.S. Don’t have a copy of the book yet? Grab it anywhere books are sold! (Amazon has it for 40% off)
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