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Personal to Stella
Feeling Guilty Doesn't Mean You're Wrong
As a recovering people pleaser, it's hard for me to face other people's disappointment. I do it. But it's hard. I still feel guilty. Even when I know I'm doing the right thing.
“Be in da now,” he said for about the 16th time this class, as he led us into a wide-legged forward bend. Be in the now… Okay. Focus on my fatiguing hamstrings, now somewhere between a dull ache and a foaming burning feeling?
I was doing Crossfit for maybe the third time in my life, seeing that my yoga practice wasn’t necessarily giving me enough strengthening or cardio. I've got a background as a yoga teacher, and I've taken some anatomy classes, so I felt these things would give me a leg up on understanding proper form for weight lifting.
I'm pinching myself. Time Magazine interviewed me about my happiness habits along with 17 other greats like former lecturer at Harvard University, Tal Ben-Shahar, Barbara L. Fredrickson from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and best-selling author, Gretchen Rubin.
Are you impatient? Especially when there is something you really, really want to happen? For example maybe it's waiting for a raise, a deal to go through, a child to be born, a home sale to close, or a relationship to start? In my own experience, I realized that it wasn't the waiting that was hard, it was trusting that it would actually happen.