My 30 second morning routine to stay productive

November 11, 2016
My 30 second morning routine to stay productive

Hi! I'm Stella

As a speaker and executive coach, Stella Grizont works with over achievers who are seeking deeper career fulfillment and with organizations who are dedicated to elevating the well-being of their employees.
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Hi  there!

I was recently asked by a reader to share my morning routine ... so here it is, in this video.

Key points about this short video:

  • I don't like routine!
  • It only takes about 30 seconds
  • When I don't do this, I feel like I'm in a daze so this exercise keeps me organized and present
  • (And, this is what I look like without make-up and with a stuffy nose)

I strongly recommend this particular practice to my executive coaching clients when they report feeling unfocused and overwhelmed.

Let me know what you think! And if YOU have any questions you want me to answer.



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